Request funds or get support for a fundraiser
Are you a coach who is looking for support from the Boosters? Here’s how to get started.
Request funds for your team
1. Save a copy of the request funds form
2. Fill out the form
3. Submit the form to Clinton’s Athletic Director for review
Request support for a fundraiser
1. Save a copy of the fundraising support form
3. Submit the form to Clinton’s Athletic Director for review
Any questions?
Email the Boosters at
What have we been able to do:
Provided windscreens to the CHS tennis courts
Purchased Gael logo chairs for the CHS gym
Purchased a 50” flat screen TV for CHS cafeteria to be able to broadcast sports games
Purchased windscreens for the CHS baseball field
Provided baseball socks for the CMS Boys Baseball team
Provided shirts & shorts for CHS football clinic
Purchased a pitching machine for the CHS Baseball team
Sponsored a Speed & Agility Camp run by Achieve for CPS Athletes
Purchased warm-ups for the CHS Boys Soccer team
Purchased a pitching machine for the CHS Softball team
Purchased Winter Classic Basketball Tournament shirts
Able to donate funds to many of the sports teams of both CMS & CHS upon request
Provided Clinton Gaels Boosters scholarships
Provided spirit buses for students to attend long-distance games
Able to work alongside the teams in their fundraising events
Purchased senior banners
Hosted the Senior Sports Banquet